Item Display
GAD Reference number:
IT 031
Indian Affairs' consecutive no.:
Aboriginal people(s):
Five Nations (Mohawk, Oghquaga, Seneka, Onandaga and Cayuga Tribes)
Aboriginal individual(s):
Thayendanegea (Captain Joseph Brant)
Other party(ies):
Peter Russell, President, Province of Upper Canada for His Majesty
Type of Document:
Surrender of land
Specific purpose(s):
Surrender of certain land to be granted in fee simple to several persons in the quanity as stated in the schedule
Land involved:
381,480 acres of the hunting ground along the Grand River as described in the schedule situated in Brant, Wellington and Waterloo Counties - See document
Manuscript original
1 sheet; 48 x 28 cm (19" x 11"); pp. [3-4]
1 sheet; 49 x 46 cm (19" x 18"); pp. [1-2]
RG10, Indian Affairs, D-10-a
Microfilm reel number: